Book List: Books Featuring Little Protagonists!
- Sue Castellino
- November 13, 2018
- List of Books Must reads for 6-8 year olds Must reads for 8-12 year olds Must reads for Toddlers
It’s the 13th of November which means it’s one of our favourite days in the year – Younger Readers day. We hope all your little ones are excited about celebrating a day dedicated to books and children who love to read.
If your child is a voracious reader and can’t wait till they get cracking on the next book, then they’ll probably be interested in this booklist. We’re dedicating this list to the really young protagonists featured in books that you can find in our online library. We’ve got a whole range of books at different reading levels for different ages, which makes it perfect for any child who is interested in getting lost in a novel.
So, let’s dive into our favourite books that we hope your child and you will enjoy!
1. Timmi in Tangles by Shals Mahajan
Timmi in Tangles is all about a little girl with an active imagination. Just as the name suggests, she always gets herself into tangles. For one, everyone thinks she has eaten all the idlis, when she hasn’t – now that‘s a dilemma especially since Idliamma is the one eating them all. Then there is the fact that no one can understand that Timmi has a giant for a friend who can lift the roof that allows the rain in. Oh, the tangles! Read on to find out just what all she gets up to.
Read Timmi in Tangles HERE
2. A Book For Puchku by Deepanjana Pal
At some point or another, we’ve had that sinking feeling of running out of books to read, only to realise there are many more out there to get your hands on. Well, facing a similar issue is Puchku who has finished reading all her books, but discovers that there are more books on the top shelf at the library. However, Puchku is small, and the top shelf of the bookcase seems impossible to reach. Will she be able to get to the books?
Read A Book For Puchku HERE
3. Thatha at School by Richa Jha
Oviyam is a little girl who has to take her grandfather to school for grandparents day and herein lies the problem. She is embarrassed by the thought that everyone in school will see her Thatha in his traditional dhoti. She has a few tricks up her sleeve to get him not to attend but will she succeed or will her grandad help her rise above her insecurities. This book is a lovely read for any little kid.
Read Thatha at School HERE
4. Sit Still by Suzzanne Rebello
Children have oodles of energy that they just can’t contain – like the protagonist in this story. Viji is a little tot who is forever fidgeting and wriggling. This causes many people around her to get annoyed at her behaviour. Will Viji be accepted for her energetic self, or will she have to adapt – find out when you read this newly added book in our library.
Read Sit Still HERE
5. Sangla – A Valley by Katie Bagli
Learn about the Sangla valley in Himachal Pradesh through the eyes of a four-year-old girl named Tara. She feels particularly bonded with Sangla since the rest of a family lives there. She learns about the myths and fairy tales that are associated with this valley – she even meets evil and good spirits that roam the mountains. Your imaginative little one will surely have a field day with this novel.
Read Sangla – A Valley HERE
6. Clumsy by Ken Spillman
Now here’s a story for anyone who has been called names because of their personality. The protagonist in our story has been called clumsy, slowcoach and even careless because she’s always dropping, spilling or breaking things accidentally. She doesn’t allow these names to define her and instead starts to paint her feelings. A truly inspiring book for any little one.
Read Clumsy HERE
7. The Monster Hunters by Parinita Shetty
Here is a cute little story about two best friends who are in search of monsters. Abhay and Nitya are convinced that these monsters exist, but no one believes them, so the two are determined to get evidence and present it for their class project. Will they find the monster and will everyone believe these two best friends?
Read The Monster Hunters HERE
8. Manya Learns To Roar by Shruthi Rao
Manya wants to play Shere Khan in her school play, but she has a stammer, which might come in her way of giving a brilliant performance. Her friends make fun of her, and even her teacher thinks the role of the lion might not be the best fit for Manya. Find out how Manya overcomes her fears and delivers a star performance in this charming tale.
Read Manya Learns To Roar HERE
9. Kanna Panna by Zai Whitaker
When things go wrong at the cave temples, and the lights go out, the adults aren’t the ones who reach everyone to safety. It is, in fact, quiet little Kanna who knows the way out of the caves – with or without light it doesn’t matter to him since he is vision impaired and uses his other senses. It’s this very reason that he becomes the hero of this story.
Read Kanna Panna HERE
10. The Unboy Boy by Richa Jha
For all the kids who feel misunderstood this book will really strike a chord. Unlike other boys, Gagan is sensitive, an animal lover, book lover, and a quiet little kid who is very misunderstood. His friends and family all think he is not boy enough, and try their best to make him more boy-like. However, Gagan is strong enough to show everyone that there are no boy-boys or unboy-boys – everyone is unique in their own way.
Read The Unboy Boy by Richa Jha HERE
Wait, There’s More
Our library has more than just ten stories dedicated to young protagonists. There are many adventures enjoyed by our literary characters that your child will fall in love with. It’s good to remind ourselves that sometimes the biggest heroes come in small packages. Happy Young Readers day, we hope you have a great day reading!
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