Father’s Day Book list – Books Featuring Fathers Of All Kinds!
- Sue Castellino
- June 15, 2019
- List of Books Must reads for 6-8 year olds Must reads for 8-12 year olds
Parenting is hard and every so often, moms and dads need a day dedicated to them. Well, it just so happens that today is Father’s day and we wanted to celebrate it with a Father’s day book list!
Everyone has a memorable story about their fathers, whether it’s a funny one, a heart wrenching one or a silly one. Every dad is unique, a fact that is reiterated in these books we’re about to share with you.
This Father’s day book list features dads of all kinds – just like in real life, a dad has many roles and all of them are beautifully illustrated in these books. Some of the books mentioned in this list are available on GetLitt!, so why not add them to your storytelling time. Grab dad and either read to him or ask him to be the storyteller today!
Let’s get started!
Father’s Day Book List
1. Papa’s moustaches Translated by Yuman Hussain, Original story by Madhuri Purandare
Source: Storyweaver
First on our Father’s day book list is ‘Papa’s Moustaches.’ Anu loves everything about her father’s moustaches. In fact, she likes all those with moustaches. They made Anu imagine funny things and double up laughing. Do you find moustaches funny too?
Read Papa’s Moustaches HERE
2. I Love My Daddy by author Sebastien Braun
Source: Harper Collins
Sometimes daddies are loud and playful; sometimes they are soft and understanding. But for most of the time, daddies are like loving Papa Bears. Sebastien Braun’s story and compelling illustrations really highlight the bond between kids and their daddies.
3. Jabari Jumps by author Gaia Cornwall
Jabari wants to take that big leap off the diving board into the pool. He’s seen the other kids do it, and it looks easy. Jabari’s dad squeezes his hand in encouragement, and he squeezes back. Will Jabari jump? A lovely story on how fathers encourage their little ones to push a bit harder.
4. Thatha at School by author Richa Jha
This one is about grandfathers, but aren’t grandpas softer versions of dads? Oviyam does not want her grandpa to visit her school as she is embarrassed by his veshti. But will she be able to drive away the demons of insecurities from her head and accept her thatha as he is?
Read Thatha At School HERE
5. Guess how much I love you by author Sam McBratney
Source: Candlewick press
Mums are all about hugs, kisses and ‘I love yous,’ but some dads don’t really know how to express their love or react to their little ones’ hugs. Little Nutbrown Hare wants to show Big Nutbrown Hare how much he loves him but his love is very hard to measure! This book will warm your heart.
6. Giggi and Daddy by author Richa Jha
Source: Pickle Yolk Books
Giggi’s daddy tells her a story every day. It is about a little bit of this and a lot of that. The story was told even before Giggi was born. Does Giggi believe Daddy’s tall tales? A aww-worthy daddy-daughter book!
7. Danny the Champion of the World by author Roald Dahl
Source: Puffin Books
Danny, a young English boy, and his father, William, who live in a Gypsy caravan fixing cars for a living and partake in poaching pheasants. When Danny finds that his father is trapped, he goes all out to rescue him and ends up being hailed, ‘The Champion of the World.’
Now that’s a list we can get behind! Make sure you share it with all the daddies out there! Also, don’t forget the soon-to-be dads, who are expecting their first child, this book list is a lovely Father’s day gift to get them too!
Hope you enjoy the books!
Happy Father’s Day and Happy Reading!