List of Fictional Characters in Popular Children’s Books
- GetLitt!
- April 27, 2019
- Must reads for 6-8 year olds
Fictional characters in popular children’s books have a huge impact on a child’s life. When a child identifies or feels a synergy with a character, it can shape the child’s personality. That’s why it’s so important to find children’s books that have a connection with who the child is as a real-life person.
The art of creating characters is not just in their personality traits and unique quirks but also in the role they play in the book. Fictional characters in popular children’s books capture the minds and hearts of their readers because of a combination of good storytelling and character development.
There are so many characters like Holly Golightly, Sherlock Holmes, Harry Potter and other popular protagonists in children’s books that leave a mark when reading the books. This is due to the fact that we see part of ourselves in these characters, thus making them popular and creating the fandom around them.
Just like children, we’ve also been charmed by many characters mentioned in the list below. Some of the characters we’ve hand-picked from the GetLitt! library. Others have been selected based on just how popular they are amongst little readers. So if you’d like your child to emulate strong personality traits and identify with stand-up characters, why don’t you start with the ones we’ve mentioned below.
Gagan from The Unboy Boy
The Unboy Boy is a moving account of diversity, gender, and stereotypes revolving around a lovely, gentle, and sensitive boy named Gagan. He is an exception to the stereotype of boys his age because of his so-called ‘feminine’ interests. He is labeled as “Unboy’-ish due to his lack of particiption in typically masculine activities.
It’s encouraging to see that his character – no matter the situation or what society, family and friends think, continues to be himself and take pride in who he is. He never feels the need to apologize for his identity because, at the end of the day, he knows that he is a good human being, regardless of how he chooses to spend his free time. If your free-spirited child needs a little bit of Gagan’s strength and belief in themselves then check this book out.
Read The Unboy Boy HERE
Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games
This popular book series has a female protagonist that inspired many young girls out there to be bold and strong. The books were adapted to movies where Katniss Everdeen is played by an actor that is as awesome as the character herself – Jennifer Lawrence.
Katniss is the face of a much-needed rebellion in the world of The Hunger Games. A force of nature, Katniss never steps down from a challenge and is extremely protective of her family. When her sister was chosen to represent their district in the Hunger Games, she practically volunteers to die, just so that her sister could stay alive and live her life.
We don’t often see bold female protagonists, so when we do it must be celebrated!
Samaira from Brown Like Dosas Samosas & Sticky Chikki
When we think of loving the skin we’re in and teaching kids body positivity – this is the book that comes to mind. The protagonist Samaira is a young girl with caramel skin who loves who she is, without allowing detractions to bother her.
One day she tumbles into a magical realm where she encounters a dilemma pertaining to the color of her skin. A purple lady, Anahi, with magic powers, makes Samaira a strange offer to lighten the color of her skin. This does not appeal to Samaira whatsoever and throughout the book, we see her compare her skin to all the lovely and delicious brown colored things she loves.
Samaira is an inspiration to all those who have faced issues with discrimination with regards to their skin color. Learning that brown is beautiful from a young age is something all our little ones need to know and this book drives home that fact.
Read Brown Like Dosa, Samosas & Sticky Chikki HERE
Hermione Granger from The Harry Potter Series
Termed the “brightest witch of her age”, Hermione Granger is a truly inspirational character. Her intellect and sharpness set her apart from the crowd along with her insane work ethic and competitiveness. She is level headed and ‘borderline genius’.
Her cleverness and exceptional skills repeatedly save the Golden Trio (Harry, Ron, and Hermione) from getting far too deep into trouble, throughout the series. She has a strong sense of justice and believes in taking action. Hermione truly is the best role model for young girls because she is proof that intelligence is the deadliest weapon of them all.
Has your child fallen in love with the characters in the Harry Potter Series yet? Well, it’s time they did!
Sherlock Holmes From The Sherlock Holmes Series
An eccentric character, Sherlock is a private detective created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. He leads a very unconventional life, one may even call it bohemian. Sherlock has a taste for the unusual and enjoys the flair of drama that comes with mysteries. His restless nature is a result of his curiosity and his habit of deduction.
While the detective is usually dispassionate and cold, he is animated, excitable and full of adventure during an investigation. Sherlock’s wit and sense of humour, along with his disinclination to socialise, add to his peculiar persona. He remains iconic and one of the greatest fictional characters in the 21st century.
Children who love mysteries will enjoy these classic books and the unique quirks of Sherlock’s character.
Ninja Nani from the Ninja Nani Series
Who would have thought a granny could be a ninja? Well, we’d like to introduce you to one of the coolest grandparents to have ever existed! She is mighty and she is powerful. Her age isn’t a barrier at all and nothing can obstruct her from getting what she wants.
A role model in the true sense, Ninja Nani is an icon. No matter what the situation is, she always manages to save the day and surprise her grandson along the way too! Her ability to display courage and bravery is unique and an inspiration to all. She is hilarious and extremely eccentric – which is one of the many reasons why your kids are going to love this fictional character.
Read Ninja Nani HERE
Ramona Quimby from The Ramona Series
Labeled as a ‘pest’ by her sister, Ramona has a knack for getting into trouble. A free spirit at heart, Ramona teaches children and adults alike that it is okay to be weird and that the norms of society aren’t always meant to be lived up to.
She has the most brilliant creative energy and is an icon among young children. Ramona is one of a kind – a truly unique girl with an imagination that runs wild. There is a fire within her that makes her who she is – a bright and quick-witted girl.
Suppandi from The Tinkle Comics
Happy-go-lucky Suppandi is one of the most popular fictional characters in Tinkle Comics. He is an absolute goof and never fails to make a reader laugh. During the course of the comics, he has had multiple jobs. However, in true Supandi style he can never complete a task or job and always manages to cause total chaos. Suppandi is one of a kind and has been entertaining us since 1983.
Read Supandi Vol 1 HERE
Peter Pan from Peter Pan
Image Courtesy Ladybird, Disney Publishing
This mischievous young boy, who can fly, has captured the minds of little kids for decades. This could have something to do with the fact that Peter never wants to grow up. The book and his character have been symbols for youth and escapism for generations.
He carries a devil-may-care attitude and is a true risk taker because he doesn’t think things too well before fighting in the face of danger. Peter Pan is nonchalant and blithe, claiming that “To die will be an awfully big adventure”. He is truly infamous among children. If your child hasn’t been introduced to Peter Pan along with Wendy, Tinkerbell and the notorious Captain Hook – it’s time they did!
Kartik from Against All Odds
Kartik’s story is an inspirational account of a boy who “lives, breathes and dreams football.” His world revolves around the game, even though he only has one arm. We love how Kartik overcomes adversity when he moves to a new school and wants to be a part of the football team.
However, the coach is too blinded by Kartik’s disability and doesn’t allow him on the team. It’s lovely and uplifting to read how Kartik beats the odds and proves to everyone that despite his disability nothing could stop him from doing what he loves. He never gives up and works hard to earn respect of his new friends.
Read Against All Odds HERE
Percy Jackson from The Percy Jackson Series
This book series that has been made into movies is hugely popular amongst pre-teens and teens. Percy Jackson possesses a personality that is “changeable like the sea”, Percy starts off as a twelve-year-old battling ADHD and dyslexia which we soon discover is because he is hardwired to read Ancient Greek and to be a warrior.
Son of Poseidon, he is a demigod chosen to fight an intense prophecy. Percy is a very sentimental boy who is protective of his mother and his friends. He always prioritizes the safety of his mother and his friends above his own, which the goddess Athena says is his fatal flaw.
Percy’s powers revolve around water, given that he is the son of Poseidon. He can speak to horses and aquatic creatures along with being able to control water and create hurricanes. Percy is a truly powerful and adventurous demigod who is quite sentimental as well.
Of all the Rick Riordan books, the Percy Jackson series is one that really connects with adolescent kids. It helps them escape their normal world and learn a bit about Greek mythology along the way.
Matilda From Matilda
This book from Roald Dahl is a classic English book all children should grow up reading. A child prodigy, Matilda is a sweet girl with a kind heart. She is very polite and quite protective of her friends. When she was merely 18 months old, her linguistic skills were at par with that of an adult. She is able to fully read and comprehend adult books by the age of four – something we’re sure all parents wish their kids could do!
As Matilda grew older, she realized that she possesses the power of telekinesis, although never directly mentioned in the book. Telekinesis is the power to manipulate objects and matter with one’s mind which Matilda eventually masters with practice. This unique ability enables her to use it for the betterment of others, despite having misused it to play pranks on her dim-witted parents in the past.
Nabiya from Nabiya
Nabiya is a spirited young girl with a flair for words and a love for stories. She is willing to keep learning and is grateful for all the opportunities presented to her. Polite and kind, she is one of her teacher’s favorite students and she is popular amongst her small circle of friends.
Her story is an inspirational account that encourages the reader to realize the worth of the opportunities that are presented to them on a daily basis and the difference that they can make to someone who is relatively underprivileged. Nabiya possesses an artistic nature and is an extremely passionate girl. Her beautiful story is available in the GetLitt! Library.
Read Nabiya HERE
Harry Potter from The Harry Potter Series
‘The Boy Who Lived’ is a character guided by his own conscience with a strong judgment of the difference between right and wrong. Orphaned at a young age and neglected by his aunt and uncle as a child, he manages to remain kind and be a good person. He stays modest and true to his real friends, despite all the attention he gets from others throughout the series.
Harry Potter is quite competitive as well and very protective of his friends who are more like his family. A true fighter, Harry never gives up. He stands up for his beliefs and is just in his dealings. Lastly, he displays immense gratitude for all those who have sacrificed for him and never forgets to express how grateful he is to others, especially his closest friends and professors at Hogwarts.
Nancy Drew from The Nancy Drew Series
Nancy Drew is a timeless character who is smart, sophisticated and independent in every way possible. She is fashionable and fearless – a perfect role model for all the little girls out there, learning how to be brave. She is extremely talented and has a knack for solving mysteries. Her capabilities and attractive persona make her popular among her friends and her adventures make great stories. She is one of the more popular feminist icons from the 1930s.
All in all, children’s books are filled with exceptional and carefully created characters from which tons of inspiration can be drawn. Apart from the ones mentioned above, the GetLitt! Library gives you access to a huge selection of Indian children’s books with powerful and ground-breaking characters.
Keep reading and keep aiming to achieve what your favorite characters have in their lives. Let their adventures teach you lessons!
Happy Reading!
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