Friendship Lessons Explained By Stranger Things
- Sue Castellino
- July 31, 2019
- Parenting
There are so many reasons why the show Stranger Things is hugely popular. The sci-fi elements, the monsters, super-powers, comedy and teenage romances are a few of the things that fans love about the show. However, the thing that we’re drawn to is the friendship that all the characters share. Stranger Things season 3 may be about the Mind Flayer but it’s really about friendship!
*Spoilers for Stranger Things ahead
Stranger Things and Friendship
Childhood friends and school friends are vital for the development of a child. The friends that children have growing up are the ones that influence children the most in terms of character building, emotional development and social skills.
Nowadays, with technology and a lack of time for playdates, childhood friendships have come under strain. This is why it’s refreshing to see the friendships in Stranger Things portrayed so beautifully.
Similar to books such as Harry Potter, the fundamental thread that binds all three seasons of Stranger Things together is the dynamics and the friendships that the characters Eleven, Mike Wheeler, Lucas Sinclair, Maxine Mayfield, Will Byers and Dustin Henderson share. The value of friendship is evident in every episode but even more so, in season 3. Through all the exhilarating and sometimes fatal situations, the characters always look out for each other.
So, today we’re putting together a blog post on the best friendship lessons explained by Stranger Things.
Stranger Things Explains Friendship
1. Friends Don’t Lie
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Friends should always tell each other the truth and never lie; this is something the characters of Stranger Things live by. The characters may hide things from their parents, but among themselves they always strive to tell the truth. Remember the time Mike kept Eleven hidden in his house when he first found her? No one except his friends knew that she was living there! Throughout the three seasons, the rule of ‘Friends don’t lie’ is constantly tested and reinforced – making it our first ‘Friendship Lesson.’
2. Friends Don’t Break Promises
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In season one of Stranger Things, Mike clearly defines the rules of friendship to Eleven when he tries to explain the concept. One of those rules is ‘Friends don’t break promises.’ It’s heartwarming to see Eleven come to terms with the idea of a promise, something she has had very little experience with. However, the friendship among them teaches her that promises are meant to be kept, no matter the cost!
3. Friends Look Out For Each Other
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Of all the lessons of friendship that Stranger Things teaches us, this one is by far the biggest. These characters always look out for each other, a recurring action that happens in all the seasons.
When Will goes missing in season one, all his friends go looking for him in the heavy rain, even though they are warned against it by their parents. It’s not just the main characters that demonstrate this behaviour – remember when Barb goes missing? Well, Nancy crawls into a creepy hole in a tree to go in search of her. Again, reiterating the friendship lesson that ‘Friends look out for each other.’
4. Friends Protect Each Other
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These characters are really put through the wringer – fighting The Mind Flayer, is not an easy feat. However, all the Stranger Things characters band together to protect each other, every time they’re in danger. They always make sure they’re in groups that can protect each other from any obstacle that comes their way.
Their strongest and most vulnerable protector is Eleven, who constantly uses her powers to protect and defend her friends. Without giving away too many spoilers, in Stranger Things season 3, when the group meet the Mind Flayer face to face, they all stick together to protect each other. One of them even sacrifices their life to save the group – now if that’s not protection we don’t know what is!
5. Girlfriends Uplift Each Other
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Finally, in Stranger Things season 3, we see a real feminist connection between the female leads. The dynamic between Eleven and Max is a joy to watch, not only do they uplift each other, but they also empower each other. The third season highlights all the reasons why ‘girlfriends or gal pals’ are so vital in any young girl’s life.
Not many tv series portray a healthy, empowering and positive female relationship – they often pit the female leads against each other, as Stranger Things did in season two. Therefore, it was refreshing to see that the writers of the show corrected this and gave Eleven and Maxine their moment. In season three of Stranger Things, the two characters form a bond based on respect, loyalty, rebellion and just being teenage girls – now that’s a fun dynamic to watch.
6. Friends Can Help You Overcome Anything
In real life, as well as reel life, there is one thing that holds true – friends can help you overcome anything. A good set of friends can help a child overcome insecurities and hardship as they feel safe and supported in the company of their like-minded friends. Many life lessons too get learned through interactions with friends. That’s why it’s so important to cultivate healthy friendships from a young age.
This ‘friendship lesson’ is something the Duffer brothers, creators of Stranger Things, reinforce throughout the show. We see Eleven’s character grow and blossom throughout the first season with the help and support of her newfound friends – Mike, Will, Lucas and Dustin. In fact, Eleven’s trust and belief in those friendships are what gives her the strength to overcome her “papa” and close the gate.
7. Friends Love Each Other Despite Their Differences
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What’s lovely to see in Stranger Things, is how different each of the characters is with regards to personality. Mike is the leader, Eleven is the powerful one, Dustin is the goofy one, Lucas the courageous one and Maxine is the brave one. Although the characters are all different and, at some point, have had issues with each other, they love each other through it all.
Stranger Things Explained!
Well, there you have it! Those were our friendship lessons as explained by Stranger Things. We hope you enjoyed this blog. If you haven’t watched Stranger Things yet, gather all your friends together and watch it over the weekend!
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