A Cappella Boy
- Author :
Katie Bagli
Katie Bagli
- Illustrator :
Katie Bagli
Katie Bagli
- Publisher : Story Mirror

- Tags
#Friendship #DisabledKids #StarMusician #Music
- Age group
- Category
Daily Life , Family & Friends , School
Sameer, a young boy of ten years, is not like all other normal children. He will never be able to read and write. His speech is slurred and incoherent. His mother has given up trying to get Sameer educated. But a young girl of his age, Dipti, enters his life. She discovers this amazing talent in Sameer, his ear for music and ability to produce a cappella music – the exact sounds of musical instruments with his own voice. There is no looking back after that – Sameer turns into a famous musician,
A good book teaches us that regardless of whether someone is disabled or not, we should understand their problems and befriend them.
I think this is inspiring story for people as it teaches us that disabled are not useless, they are uniqe. They have a sixth sense that normal human beings don't. Which makes them succeed in different areas.
Very Nice Book, It Shows Hope For Disabled People And Make Normal People Feel The Pain Of Disabled People Over All I Rate It A Five Star.... Hope You Send More Books Like These GetLitt!
I Loved the book I think the Moral was also Very Good !!!
amazing book and amazing boy
Amazing book.
A very nice and inspiring story and gives a strong sense of helping and accepting others, and especially those who are a little different form us. Loved it
The book was very interesting. It makes me understand that even though Sameer was not important one day he became the best. A Cappella Boy.
I think Sameer will become famous but I don’t know why he keeps on tricking Dipti and giving her a tiny frog
Nice book because...Even if Sameer has a problem he is not discouraged he tries and later he starts going to music classes like normal children do.