- Author :
Darcy Pattison
Darcy Pattison
- Illustrator :
Peter Willis
Peter Willis
- Publisher : Mims House Books
- Tags
#magnet #scientific discovery #gilbert #compass #Earth
- Age group
6 to 12
- Category
Biography , Science , History
The compass needle always pointed north. This simple observation sent William Gilbert deep into research about magnets. William's insatiable curiosity led him to collect lodestones from all over the world, conducting fascinating experiments that debunked myths and revealed astonishing facts about magnets. But he kept coming back to the question of why the compass needle pointed north. He finally concluded that Earth itself is “a great magnet.”
I really enjoyed reading Magnet! It was fun and very informative. The way Willian discovered how magnets work, like attracting and discovering the poles and ETC, was explained so well. This book helped me understand magnetism better, which is really useful for my studies. I would recommend it to anyone who loves science and learning new things!
very informative 🤔