Your Turn Now
- Author :
Lubaina Bandukwala
Lubaina Bandukwala
- Illustrator :
Happy Fish
Happy Fish
- Publisher : FunOKPlease

- Tags
#Values #Helping #ActsofKindness #LittleBlueCard
- Age group
- Category
Biography , Daily Life , Reading Olympiad Winter'24-25 - Gr 6
Your Turn Now is a movement started by Rushabh Turakhia in 2009 to spread smiles and kindness. The concept is simple, perform a good deed for someone and instead of taking a reward or thanks, just give them the 'Little Blue Card' to remind them to perform a good deed for someone else. The Little Blue Card is thus passed on from one person to another to remind them to pass on a kind act. This movement has now spread to 40 countries and 4+ lac blue cards are in circulation.
Very good and inspires people to be kind. 10/10.
nice book!
This is one of the best books I have ever read in my life . I usually like quite less books and I am glad to know this one of those books which I will never forget . In all of this day to day commotion this book reminded me to spread kindness all over the world .😄😊
This is the best book EVER (from the books I have read.) There are so many ways to spread kindness which I did not know. I recommend this book to everyone whose account in on Getlitt! I will definitely order YTN cards, TODAY.
GEMSAishwarya V
very nice!! the stories were fantastic
It tells people to be kind and never be unfair and be giving to others
It is a very
It was an awesome book I really loved!!! From today onwards I will try to start to use the Blue Cards.😊😊💙💙❤❤💓🟦🟦🟦
Nice . Liked the journey of the blue card.
amazing it is