Contest ends:
27 Feb, 2023
Gen. Sam from Detective Zoro
Super hero Bumblebee

Chitty the dog and the forest farm,...
Birbal the Witty
Prisha Ambi - Grade 5 - Mayil Will ...
Birbal the Witty
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Challenge: Illustrate a side character for a story on GetLitt!
An opportunity to illustrate a side character with new & distinct physical traits
Contest Rule
The book should be picked from the GetLitt! library
The story should have an important side character.
The side character illustration should have new/different physical traits added to it.
The illustration submitted should be a clear image and be colored.
For submission:
Title of the Entry: Your name - Grade - Name of the Book
Content Box- Description of the character picked from the book along with the reason for the new physical traits added.
Attach the coloured illustration of the character from the story as an attachment and submit.
The top illustrations have a chance of winning cash prizes and a certificate of achievement!