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Contest ends:
27 Jun, 2022KavyaL_Grade 3_The Plan For The Gin...
Woman Warrior
Advika P Pillai, Grade 7, The Circu...
Kiaan Singh/6th grade/"Kabir"
KayraL_Grade 3_Magnolias
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For Content:
Pick a book from the list under your grade cluster and read it (The book list is shared below)
Create 5 factual mutlipl choice questions based on the story with 4 answer choices
Mention the correct answer below the question (Note: the answer should be found in the story)
For submission:
Title of Entry: Your Name - Grade - Book Name
Content Box: Type out your questions, answer choices and mention the correct answer
Attach the cover page of the book or an illustration related to the story and submit
Book List:
Grade 1 - 3: Anya and her Baby Brother / The Plan for the Gingerbread House / Magnolias / The Adventures of Biplob the Bumblebee -Vol 5
Grade 4 - 6: Ancient America / Kabir / Tagore And The Song Of The Crazy Wind / The Math Kid- An Incorrect Solution
Grade 7+: Sleepers / The Circus Trap / First Sun Stories / Chanakya