Why! Oh ! Why ! Why should we eat vegetables ? As they always say "YOU SHOULD!!" Why not ' Kentucky Fried Chicken' which is - finger licking good - ting ting t ring ! Carrots and peas are so boring , they taste like a lump of clay - what's wrong with a nice juicy burger - " Hello Mc Donald's hello Mcdonalds give me Mc Donald's anyday- para pa pa para I'm loving it ! Those stodgy mashed potatoes make me squeamish to the core; whereas those golden french fries !! Ave Maria !!! Have me screaming for more and more and more !! Mummy I want more ! Milk is another pain in the neck ! Yuck! It lacks any kind of flavour ! When Pepsi - that's how I like it - aah coke gives you freedom from thirst- aah and taste the feeling with sprite - and taste the Fanta and stay bamboocha - now , these are the tastes to savour ! Mum says these half boiled eggs are not a nightmare! Especially when the yolk drips drips and drips - " If you want it harder boil a little longer "Oh Mum! Just take these eggs away and give me fried fish and chips ! Ooh la la!! Dad is no less " Soups and salads and whole wheat bread - may nourish your body and mind " but dad give me hot dogs and nachos anyday . Junk food is the name if the game - down to the very last letter . And compared to all your health foods , going hungry sounds much better ! So !! Don't you listen to these grownups - who claim " Vegetables make you strong " For if life is without junk food ' WE RATHER NOT LIVE THAT LONG'
InaayaShaikh -
Explorer BugGreat!! 👍
FAZvitraagSH -
Learning BugGreat poem we truly do love junk food!