Ms. Nayar
Chhotu and the big wind.
Dear Ma'am,
Subject: A question about this interesting read.
This weekend, I read a book written by you 'Chhotu and the
Big Wind'.
I found this book very interesting and funny. The main
character namely Chhotu is a very innocent child who can go
to any extend to save the things he loves. The way you've
compared the 'clouds' to the 'pillows' makes me actually
know what a cloud feels like. The sound of the flock of the
birds compared to a newspaper was something I could hear
while reading this amazing story. I imagined myself floating
in the sky looking at the illustrations. Could you please let me
know how can one write a story to make it so realistic and
I would be eagerly waiting for your response.
Thanking You!
Yours sincerely,
Pranay Vats
The Shriram Millennium School.