My Teacher asked us one day
What would you like to be
Doctor, pilot, engineer
Whats the future that you see
Now that really got me thinking
Of all that I could do
So I put my brain to action
My thoughts started to brew
I think I could be an Astronaut
Working beyond the stars & sky
Visit the Moon the Mars maybe Jupiter
But what if the rocket failed to fly
I could well be a singer
Stringing melody and some words
I could record a million singles
But what if none were heard
I could also be a Scientist
Mixing things new and fast
Funnels, testtube, microscopes
But what if the experiment ended in a blast
I love cakes so maybe a baker
Sweet delights that I dreamt
A gourmet for you to relish
But what if none for me was left
I could hit a boundary or a sixer
Throw googly or strike LBW
T-20, endorsements, yesa Cricketer
But what if I lost the worldcup too
I know that I’m quite pretty
How about Ms Universe some day
The paps, the glam, the makeup
But those high heels, No way!
As I sat over and wondered
Of all the things I could become
I felt a tap on my shoulder
I looked and it was my Mum
She bent down and hugged me
And whispered this to me
No matter what you do one day
Grow up to be a kind young lady
alecbhai -
Newbie BugGreat.... Very well done!!
Tvisha123 -
Explorer Bugwow didi you did it